Last Updated: Mar 19, 2020 Views: 342
The following suggestions may help you find a solution to making your glass opaque:
Look at stained glass supply stores/websites to find etching creams (Armour Etch, Etch Bath), acid etching resists and stencils, etc.
A "Google" search for Armour Etch, for example, gives a variety of sources of supply. Your local craft store probably carries one of these products.
There are a variety of paints available for glass. Some require baking (firing) after applying the paint; others do not. These are available at craft stores or via the internet.
The articles below tell more about these techniques.
“Design Etch by Richard Smith: Questions & Answers – a page for and from glass etchers” (sandblasting and other techniques)
Etch Talk:
“Painted glass”. Better Homes & Gardens, July, 2002.
“Applying a white glass paint that mimics an etched look will help you avoid using acid-etching creams, which can be difficult…. Also, thick tempered glass, such as these vintage milk bottles, [and Pyrex] will not take etching creams.”
There are also laminates that can give an opaque appearance to glass:
Paschke, Chris. “Faux Glass Etching Your Press.” PFM [Picture Framing Magazine], Nov. 1998, Faux glass etching with laminates; also comparison of etching/engraving/sandblasting
“’Is there any paper that you can stick on glass and it will look like is etched?’
There is a vinyl available that replicates the look of etched glass - most vinyl lettering companies, or glass stores will have it available - check your yellow pages for a local company.”
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