Last Updated: Mar 29, 2019     Views: 3516

According to Marilyn Lockwood's article in the Glass Collector's Digest (April/May 1996) pigeon blood is characterized as a color "ruby colored, often with brown highlights" or as red crystal and attributed to some Victorian glass. Lockwood's article does indicate that not much in the glass literature can be found about this color. Lockwood also notes that the differences between Pigeon blood and cranberry, and between pigeon blood and ruby are very subtle, especially to the cameras eye.  Cranberry is red with a distinctive pink shade while pigeon blood is red with a slight orange/brown tinge. Ruby is a deep, dense red. The differences can be seen most easily by comparing pieces in three colors.The Lechners (The World of Salt Shakers) show the Grape pattern in pigeon blood. c. 1965-70, by the Imperial Glass Company.

 In addition to Lockwood's article, she also references a book called "Blown and Pressed American Glass" by Richard Carter Barret that mentions this color glass as a Reddish Amber, sometimes called a "blood amber." The "blood amber" mug in Barrets books is attributed to the Saratoga area. The majority of glass collected by Lockwood in this color comes from the Consolidated Lamp and Glass Company in the 1890s, although obviously that is not the only company that used this color glass.





Comments (2)

  1. I was told many years ago that pigeon blood was the deep dark red that has a resemblance to blood with a small shade of amber highlight at the very top or rim of a piece of glass. Not to be confused with Amberina which has a great deal more amber and a lighter shade of red.
    by ykiljoey on May 30, 2018
  2. When I first saw genuine pbg, i stared at it for 5 minuted so i would remember it
    by Raymond F Rice on Oct 07, 2018

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