Last Updated: Jul 19, 2016     Views: 515

There is a Glassart Studio in SCOTTSDALE, AZ. Could that be the one you are referring to? I was unable to find a Glassart Studio in Scottsville, Az and couldn't actually find a that a Scottsville, AZ exists just doing a few searches on mapquest and yahoo maps (certainly not a definitive search!). If you are referring to the Studio in Scottsdale, AZ, you might want to contact the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, which has a very good glass collection. They might have information on this Studio or a contact person, if the Studio still exists.

According to one site I saw, this Studio also built a stained glass ceiling for a terminal at the Phoenix International Airport ( The airport terminal designers might be a possibility for follow-up as well.

I checked our vertical files, etc., but the only thing we have is a publication co-authored by this Studio called The Windows of Trinity Cathedral, which describes a project completed by the Studio in 1966 and 1967 in Phoenix, AZ. The designer for the windows for the Cathedral was Glidden Parker, chief Designer for Glassart Studio in Scottsdale from 1965-1970. According to this publication, the Studio was founded in 1952.

I hope this helps you locate more information!

Comments (5)

  1. Glidden Parker, famed potter of Alfred NY had a studio called Glassart Studio in the late 50's or 60's. He did a bunch of stained glass work in Scottsdale incl the Civic Center and the Lutheran Cathedral
    by Kevin Palmiter on Feb 23, 2014
  2. Glassart Studio in Scottsdale, Arizona was renamed in 1960 from its former name, "The Flemish Glazenier". At that time, Joseph C. Lincoln was its president and Jos Maes was ...wait for it...the Flemish glazenier. They had met in 1950 and opened up a shop in Scottsdale in '51. Charles W. Schumacher, an alumni of New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred, was vice president and manager. He brought in Maureen McGuire who had received her masters from the same school (1964) in 1965 as an apprentice. She left four years later to become a highly regarded designer and glass artist in her own right. Glidden Parker, more known for his ceramic line "Gliddenware" and connection with Pottery Barn was Glassart's designer for many years. Ken Toney, another designer, purchased Glassart in 1973 and operated it in Scottsdale until its close in 1987. The old building is still off of 5th Avenue in downtown and has had many incarnations. During a fairly recent revamp several years ago scorch marks were observed on a wall where presumably the kilns had once been.

    Glassart was primarily known for large, architectural works with bold designs. They worked with traditional lead came, mosaic, and also with faceted chunk glass set in reinforced panels. Scottsdale City Hall and the Civic Center Library Children's Room still have their original Glassart skylights. Arizona churches featuring Glassart windows include Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Phoenix and The Church at Litchfield Park, Litchfield Park, AZ.

    The November 1965 issue of "Arizona Highways" magazine has a very nice article about Glassart along with some amazing photos.
    by E.S.Badgley on Dec 06, 2016
  3. I worked at Glass Art in 69. Knew Glidden well. I'm still in contact with the other designer, Geoffrey Bruce, and the foreman back then is my x brother-in-law so I could track him down if it would help. Let me know if I can be of any help...
    by Frank on Feb 05, 2020
  4. The Glendale Adventist Church in Phoenix AZ, where I pastor, has a 40 foot tall by 10 foot wide Glidden Parker window. I would love to get in contact with anyone who worked at Glassart or with Glidden Parker back then.
    by Gary Venden on Dec 06, 2021
  5. I worked at Glassart back in the late '60's. At the risk of sounding like I'm bragging, we did a lot of really nice pieces including churches, the Scottsdale Civic Center, and more. It was a great experience. Working with the designers Glidden Parker, Geoffrey Bruce, Maureen McGuire, was a lot of fun.
    by Frank on Jan 03, 2023

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