Last Updated: Apr 09, 2024 Views: 26090
Last Updated: Apr 09, 2024 Views: 26090
As of 2019, Corelle became a part of Instant Brands. According to the company, Corelleware can become weakened by repeated exposure to the abrasive detergents used in automatic dishwashers. Over time the glass may become rough or chipped along the edges. Previously, Corelle was made and sold by World Kitchen. When we contacted World Kitchen to ask about breakage in Corelle dishes, they recommended consumers use a less abrasive detergent. For more detailed and current information, you should contact the Instant Brand customer care center.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with your glass-related questions in the future!
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Comments (13)
I have had a set of Correlle ware for 20 years and just recently they have started chipping and edges breaking. I would concur with World Kitchen in that it is the dishwasher detergent. We had used the same brand for years, but recently added Sunshine, to assist in aiding for scratches and such, that is when we noted damage and pieces of the dishes in the bottom of the dishwasher. Sadly we lost a set we loved and figured for our 46th Anniversary to buy a whole new set. I wished I would have known this information a head of time. but who Wanda K. on Jan 28, 2018
Is there any way to remove the rough edge (it appears to be a build up of something rather than rough from chipping)?by Sharon on Mar 20, 2018
Same issue here. We have great results with Finish dishwashing tabs, but that seems to be when the problem started. We also got a new dishwasher at about the same time. I haven’t noticed any difference for other dishes except that they are cleaner. We used to use Cascade liquid and didn’t notice the problem with the Salmist on Jan 11, 2019
We have had a set of Corelle for 25 yrs and it was durable until the last couple years. That is when we had a repair on our 3 yr old dishwasher. The repairman said our Cascade powder had destroyed some parts, and to switch to Finish tablets & Finish powder booster. All of a sudden the rims of our Corelle plates & bowls (on the bottom rack only) began losing the finish & chipping. The edges are sharp, and have cut my finger. I think it is the detergents we switched to. I just bought a whole new set of Corelle, and am unsure what detergent to use. The Corning sales staff warned against using detergents that contains lemon scent or bleach, but didn’t say if powder, liquid, or tabs are best. Any suggestions?by Denise B on May 27, 2019
I’ve been using store brand powder for years with no issues. Our dishwasher is 25 years old. I suspect newer dishwashers may need those high tech detergents and maybe they are damaging the Kim on Jun 04, 2020
I have winter white Corelle - my cups have become stained with coffee. How do I remove it. Just scrubbing doesn't seem to help Gloria on Jun 23, 2020
We switched to Quantum Finish tabs and all of a sudden the design on our Corelle has faded drasically! Also the designs on our coffee mugs. These detergents are getting too strong! I complained to Finish but they will not do anything to compensate us. What dishwashing detergent should we use on Corelle? I thought it was indestructable!!by Margot Watson on Aug 07, 2020
20 years ago I bought a set of corelle ware bowls. About 2 years later I dropped one on a vinyl floor and it broke into 4 large pieces. Today I dropped another of those bowls onto the same vinyl floor but this bowl shattered into over one hundred tiny pieces (shards). I was shocked by the difference in how bowls from the same set, dropped on the same floor broke entirely Paul on Mar 20, 2021
My new Bosch dishwasher has started to chip and fade my correlle dishes - I've always used Cascade Complete/Platinum pods - the only thing that changed is the dishwasher. It must be the water temperature or drying that's causing this! So disappointed!by PM on Aug 12, 2021
Is it ok to eat off the big spaghetti bowls if they have little chips on the bowl part were the enamel is chipped away?by Donna on Nov 02, 2021
Donna, The Corning Museum of Glass is unable to provide advice on glass safety or toxicity. Because there are so many variables in glass contents, applications, and use of materials, we cannot account for all possibilities and eventualities. We recommend that you ask the manufacturer of your glass for safety and toxicity Rakow Research Library staff on Nov 03, 2021
I think that Microwaving them can affect them. A while back, I was drying a plate, and it made cracking sounds as I put some pressure on it. It's been many years since I used a dishwasher, but I do microwave them, or I did till I heard that one make noise. The dishes are made of 3 sheets of laminated glass. I wonder if over time, heat destroys the glue between the sheets. None of my Corell have the rough edges. I bought them between 7-10 years ago. I have both the thin type and the thicker, stoneware John Tighe on Dec 05, 2021
I've only ever had dishwashers for relatively short terms when living in apartment rentals. So, for most of its time in service, my Corelle has been hand washed. However, my Corelle is 50 years old, & rarely, but on a few occasions in recent years, I have dropped a piece onto my kitchen floor & been startled & very sad to see it break as if it were real china. Given its age & use, I have never once felt disappointed in the product: After all these years of use & going through countless heating & cooling cycles, rare breakage leaves me sad that I've dropped it, but newly impressed with Corelle's durability. Its light weight remains endearing too. Now I've read this article, I'm even more impressed with my Corelle as its butterfly pattern has never faded in the least, nor do I have a piece that's rough in the least anywhere. Its surfaces are all still unscathed & shiny & its butterfly designs are all still bold, bright, & discernible to touch! Our "regular use" hasn't compromised the appearance of any of it, but the duration of my use has apparently left it, or certain pieces of it, a bit brittle. That's certainly a reasonable outcome. I'm just trying to share with others that once it becomes half a century old or so, it may need us all to be a little more careful in using it to avoid breakage as it won't bounce as it always did through the years of the Inquiring Mind on Oct 20, 2024